The average German citizen consumes a roughly 35 kilograms of sugar each year and I used to be pretty good at boosting that average with my own excessive consumption. There was a reason the “sweets drawer” in our home had a classwide reputation. Ah, home sweet home!
But let’s take a moment to think about this number: It’s been six years now since I quit sugar for good. Six years, which amounts to a total of 195 kilos of sugar that never got pumped through my body. Sadly this also made me realize that, during the other ⅘ of my life, I already consumed four times the amount without even blinking an eye. Holy caramel!
But hey, at least I’m on the right track, don’t you think?
Actually, being aware of your own sugar consumption or even making an effort to reduce it, is further down the road than most of the people around you will ever get. No matter if you are quitting sugar by choice or for health reasons, it’s time to give yourself a proud pat on the shoulder here, because you’re doing a pretty awesome job! …