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(Deutsch) No Bake Schokotorte | glutenfrei, getreidefrei, ohne Zucker, vegan

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(Deutsch) Veganer “Roast”: Gefüllter Butternut Kürbis mit Kartoffelpürree und Rotweinsoße

Sorry, this entry is only available in German. ...
(Deutsch) Winter Mezze: Vorspeisenplatte für das Weihnachtsdinner – Ingwer-Butter, Gerösteter Wirsing, Pastinaken-Hummus

Sorry, this entry is only available in German. ...
(Deutsch) 20-Minuten Erdmandelkekse | glutenfrei, getreidefrei, ohne Zucker, vegan

Sorry, this entry is only available in German. ...
(Deutsch) Von einer Insulinresistenz, einer Schilddrüsenunterfunktion und den LowCarb Brötchen (glutenfrei, getreidefrei)

Sorry, this entry is only available in German. ...
Green Smoothie with Avocado, Mint and Coconut Water | vegan | sugar-free

When it comes to the world of "detox" I'm torn. Yes, I do like my smoothies green and refreshing. And I do like to consume something that makes me feel like I'm on top of things. That, whatever this ...
(Deutsch) Und was isst du dann? Ein Kochbuch über Leckerstes. Glutenfrei, pflanzlich, zuckerlos

Sorry, this entry is only available in German. ...
Spelt Banana Bread with Nuts | sugar-free, vegan, wheat-free

Do you have a favorite vegan and sugar-free banana bread recipe yet? Or are you like me, who pins and saves hundreds of different recipes from all over the web, continuously tinkering around with ...
Chocolate Butter Cookie Caramel Cups | wheatfree, sugar-free, vegan option

If I had a proper excuse, I’d probably try to play it. But I don’t have one. This recipe has been hiding in my digital drawer for way too long. But today this buttery beauty is finally being released ...
Cheesy Spelt Focaccia with Sun Dried Tomatoes

Do you love a good barbecue with nicely roasted goods and matching spreads that are meant to be wiped away with a piece of bread? Do you crave a good sandwich bread that soaks up all the juice and ...
Kookoo – Persian Herb Omelette with Turkish Cured Ham | Low Carb, gluten-free

It’s Sunday and Sundays are there to relax. So todays recipe will be an exceptionally easy one. Take a few eggs, bushels of fresh herbs and you are half way done. Kookoo is one of the easiest ...
Crispy Lahmacun – Homemade Turkish Pizza with Minced Meat and Herbs

2 days of action, a team of 5, tons of equipment and dirty dishes, exhausted bodies and happy eyes. Not much to add to a very successful shooting. Except for, you are darn sexy dear Kitchen Stories ...
(Deutsch) Mit diesem Trick holst du den Knoblauch zurück in deine Küche: Fructosearmes Knoblauchöl

(Deutsch) Kefir-Smoothie mit Honigmelone und Zimt

Flaky Strawberry & Rice Milk Scones (Vegan, Sugar-Free, with Spelt)

The average German citizen consumes a roughly 35 kilograms of sugar each year and I used to be pretty good at boosting that average with my own excessive consumption. There was a reason the “sweets ...
Superfood Kumpir: Turkish Baked Potato with Avocado, Salmon and Turmeric Yogurt Sauce

Don’t be fooled. This is not your ordinary baked potato. Just speaking of ‘Kumpir’ (pronounced koompeer) is like diving deep into the sunday-cravings of just about every Turk living close to the ...
Sugar-Free Pistachio Cheesecake Brownies

For the past months, life has been a rollercoaster ride. It feels like someone took all my experiences and thoughts from the past 3 years, put them in a jar, closed the lid and shook it like mad. And ...
Weekday Breakfast Fix: Sugar Free Millet Porridge With Turmeric and Almond Milk

I don't need to open my eyes to know it's still dark outside. I wrap the blanket a little tighter around my body while trying to hit the "snooze" button as quickly as possible. But before the alarm ...
My new favorite kitchen gadget: FlicFloc aka The Grain Flaker

Damn it! One by one my kitchen appliances were starting to bite the dust. I’ve come to ask myself if this is me or some universal force trying to tell me that I should step away from gadgets all ...
For A Great Awakening On New Year’s Eve: Black Anti-Hangover-Smoothie With Activated Charcoal

Is it true? Another year has passed and only a few hours left until people douse their bodies in champagne again! Though your sensitive tummy may not like the idea of ever flowing champagne. ...
Christmassy Coconut-Chocolate-Buns (vegan, wheat-free, sugar-free)

Some of you have been waiting for this recipe as long as, when it first made an appearance as part of this post. Ever since, I have received loads of messages the likes of: “Tell me Deniz, how do I ...
5 Ingredient Low FODMAP Challenge: Mackerel-Hazelnut-Spread With Feta-Tomato-Thyme-Salad

Food blogger are a tight-knit group of people. We comment on each other’s Instagram posts, retweet like hell, delve into each other’s blogs and seem to “know” the same people. Sometimes we even ...
My Morning: Diana from exPress-o On Morning Routines

Sometimes I’m left overwhelmed by the sheer number of interesting articles, new blogs and cool products out there. What is the key to keep up with all of this? And how to decide, what is actually ...
Sugar-free Multigrain Pancakes with Chia Jam | wheat-free, low fructose

Now and then I get invited to talk on other blogs by other inspirational bloggers, who also happen to be affected by fructose malabsorption, IBS or allergies of some sort. Before every interview I ...