Happiness is when you receive “2 star”-ratings on Amazon, but still have every reason to smile. Who cares about critics, when there are care-bears like you?! Okay, give the critics some credit. It’s true, I didn’t include any tables or hard nutritional facts in my cookbook, but why should I have done so in the first place? I never pretended to be anything I am not. I am not a professional dietician or physician, but simply someone confronted by the daily difficulties of handling fructose malabsorption and trying to do my best to turn the negatives into positives and live a healthy life.
That being said, I prefer not to waste my energy mulling over negative comments, but rather to focus my gratitude on all the love you guys have been sending my way. For the past couple of weeks, your kind words and support have made me one proud sugarfree cookie as I’ve been busy sharing your posts, one new Fructopia cookbook at a time, happy to have found a new home. I am stunned and touched and just want to say thank you! Thank you for your overflowing enthusiasm, your eagerness to discover and your trust. And thank you internet for letting me soak it all in over and over again. One thing is for sure, your positive energy has been working wonders! Lately I’ve happily been creating and testing more new recipes than ever. And obviously, once I saw this, I couldn’t stop thinking of new brittle variations to try out myself. Plus, it’s one of the easiest and most satisfying desserts ever! You probably already have all the ingredients on hand, so dive right in!
Black Sesame Sunflower Seed Brittle (fructosefree, vegan, gluten free)
Prep Time: 5 min, Baking Time: 15 min, Serves 6
Most recently I’ve been baking and experimenting a lot with fructose free corn sugar (see here and here). As much as I like it, it is not yet available to most of you living abroad. That’s why, for this recipe, I’ve returned to my favorite sweetener, namely brown rice syrup with its addictive caramel note. I also added some of my favourite seeds: Black sesame! If you are wondering, why I included salt, there is a rather groundbreaking explanation to that: First of all, salt reduces bitterness in baked goods. But hold your breath, salt even triggers your tastebuds to register sweetness! By combining sweet and salty ingredients we perceive desserts sweeter than they actually are. I think this is a genius trick for anyone who wants to reduce their sugar intake, but still loves a sweet snack. If you are interested in the actual scientific process, continue reading here and here.
100 g sunflower seeds
30 g black sesame seeds
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp ground vanilla
60 g rice malt syrup
1 tsp coconut oil
Preheat the oven to 325°F. Line a baking tray with parchment paper and set aside.
In a bowl combine all dry ingredients and stir well.
In a small saucepan, melt the rice malt syrup and coconut oil over low heat and whisk until blended. Pour the warm liquid over the dry ingredients and mix quickly.
Add the brittle mixture onto the prepared baking tray and smooth out the top with the back of a spatula. I usually don’t bother smoothing it out perfectly , as it kind of flattens on its own as soon as it meets the heat.
Bake for 15 minutes until golden brown. Rotate the tray after 10 minutes to make sure your brittle bakes nice and evenly. Let cool completely.
Crack the brittle into pieces and store them in a sealed container at room temperature.
Note: As it is very hot here in Istanbul, I stored mine in the fridge.
Hallo Deniz,
man kann es halt nicht allen Leuten Recht machen… Ich freue mich aber, dass dein Buch so gut ankommt, denn auch mir gefällt es sehr gut. Ich hole es immer wieder hervor und probiere neue Rezepte daraus aus.
Dein neues Rezept für Krokant klingt wirklich lecker. Ich glaube, das werde ich am Wochenende mal testen, denn wie ich gerade sehe – habe ich schon die meisten Zutaten zu Hause.
Viele Grüße, Frau Fofftein
Hallo Frau Fofftein, Du sagst es. Gott sei Dank muss man es ja auch nicht immer allen Recht machen! Viel wichtiger ist, dass es so tollen Leuten wie Dir gefällt! Freu mich riesig, dass ich ein Fünkchen Inspiration in Deine fructosearme Küche bringen darf! Sag mir unbedingt, wie Dir das Krokant geschmeckt hat und was Du vielleicht für neue Kreationen zauberst!
liebste Grüße, Deniz
Habe gestern deinen Krokant getestet, nachdem ich diese Woche auf deinen Blog gestoßen bin!
Mega lecker. Da muss ich aufpassen, dass ich nicht alles gleich auf einmal esse. Dein Kochbuch habe ich auch gleich bestellt und warte sehnsüchtig darauf, dass es endlich ankommt.
Sonnige Grüße aus Frankfurt
Liebe Anne,
schön, dass Du hier bist! Da bin ich froh, dass es nicht nur mir so geht mit dem Krokant. Gerade jetzt wenn die Weihnachtszeit beginnt, wird es schwer werden die Finger davon zu lassen! 😀
Viel Spaß beim Entdecken und Kochen mit dem Buch! Falls Du Fragen hast, meld Dich gerne! Liebste Grüße aus Istanbul, Deniz