Two weeks ago I shared an article by The Atlantic about a study on fructose. Reading articles like this makes me feel really good about making such an effort to eliminate fructose from my daily diet and also is a good motivation to stick to it in the future. So, I decided to use my research on fructose for something good and make “Why it’s good that fructose is bad for us” a regular series on Fructopia.
Today is Sunday and Sunday is movie day. Instead of choosing the latest Hollywood blockbuster, I recommend you watch this lecture called “Sugar: The Bitter Truth” by Dr. Lustig. I watched it the first time about two years ago, but I need to watch it again, because this lecture explains it all! It gets into detail describing what fructose actually is and what it does to your body, explaining why it is bad for us. Not being a native English speaker I didn’t understand every single word of the lecture, because it gets really scientific at some points. But don’t worry, you will get Dr. Lustig’s overall point.
The full lecture is about 90 minutes long, which sounds a bit tedious. But if you don’t make it through the whole video, stop at an interesting part and I’m sure you will continue to watch it tomorrow. Already three million other viewers made it through to the end 😉
P.S. Do you remember, when I said that I got the impression that mass media was finally gaining interest in fructose? Today a friend drew my attention to another good example. One of the major news sites in Germany Spiegel Online wrote an article about fructose malabsorption and they also referred to the study mentioned by The Atlantic. I hope this type of article will increase in number in the future. Here is the link.
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