During the past two years I slowly completed my transformation from typical German “Butterbrot” or ‘sandwich-for-breakfast-girl’ to ‘full-blooded-oatmeal-lover’. You should know that oatmeal or porridge, were never a big thing in Germany while I was growing up. Only slowly are they gaining some attention, ever since we dropped the German “Haferschleim” or ‘oat slime’ moniker and started switching to the more appealing English ‘oatmeal’. Imagine somebody offering you oat slime! Gross!
Anyways, time’s are a changin’ and I’ve become a real sucker for the oats. A piping hot bowl of oatmeal for breakfast keeps me satisfied for hours and I love it’s soothing effect on my tummy. My favourite fructose friendly version even made it into my cookbook: Creamy oatmeal with raspberries, cardamom, black sesame and a dollop of ghee! Incredible!
But seeing as steaming superfood compositions don’t go well with the currently rising temperatures here in Turkey, I had to think of something else. Instead of turning my favourite breakfast into a mushy overnight version, I wanted to create something with a nice crunch. This is how silky oats with raspberry and wintery spices, evolved into sugar free toasted muesli, bathing in ice-cold raspberry-oat-milk. I wouldn’t even go as far as calling this an actual recipe because this summer breakfast is so easily assembled! But hey, enjoy!
Summer Breakfast: Toasted Muesli With Coconut Oil, Rice Malt Syrup and Seeds (vegan, gluten free, sugar free, fructose friendly)
Preparation Time 5 minutes • Baking Time 15 minutes
Let’s talk oats: Please be aware that oats naturally contain sucrose (1 g/100 g compared to 0,5 g/100 g for spelt oats), and should only be consumed in moderation when suffering from fructose malabsorption or irritable bowel syndrome. So make sure to switch it up with spelt, millet or other flakes from time to time. As I don’t have access to anything else than oat flakes here in Turkey I have to stick to those, but have decided to only have them every other day.
6 Servings
2 cups (200 g) rolled oats (use gluten free if necessary)
0,5 cup (40 g) pumpkin seeds
4 tbsp (40 g) sunflower seeds
4 tbsp (40 g) black sesame
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 ground vanilla
a pinch finely ground sea salt
5 tbsp (50 g) rice malt syrup
1 tbsp (15 g) coconut oil
Additions of choice:
Chia seeds, dried blueberries, coconut chips
Preheat oven to 350°F (150° C).
Place all dry ingredients in a bowl and mix. In a small pot on medium heat, whisk together rice malt syrup and coconut oil. Pour mixture over dry ingredients and stir until coated evenly.
Cover a baking tray with some baking paper. Pour muesli mixture on prepared tray and spread evenly. Bake for 15 minutes until golden brown. Stir every 5 minutes for the seeds not to burn.
Let cool completely. Then stir in chia seeds, dried blueberries or coconut chips if you like. Store in an airtight container.
According to how many berries your stomach can handle, blend a few frozen raspberries with a cup of oat or spelt milk until smooth. 3-4 are usually enough. Store in fridge until ready to use or sip on right away with your homemade muesli.
Habe das Müsli gerade zum dritten Mal im Ofen und es schmeckt einfach super, vielen Dank!
Mache schon immer die doppelte Menge…
Habe halb Hafer-, und halb Dinkelflocken genommen, das funktioniert problemlos.
Die Körnermischung habe ich allerdings abgändert, nehme eine Körnermischung (Sonnenblumenkerne, Sesam, Kürbiskerne, Cashewkerne und Leinsamen.
VG, Kathie
Kathie, tausen Dank für deine lieben Worte! Ich freu mich riesig, dass es dir so gut schmeckt. Manchmal vergesse ich selbst, was ich schon alles für Rezepte geblogt habe. Ich glaub ich muss das Rezept selbst mal wieder machen und dann probier ich deine Körnermischung! ♥️