“Have you seen those gorgeous ‘save the date’ invitations? Oh, I just love the glittery confetti! And those flowers!”
Don’t worry. I haven’t switched my line of work. I’m just having a look around. Food bloggers do marvel at other things than food from time to time. Who wouldn’t, considering these stunning wedding ideas over at
Lieschen-heiratet.de . The genius behind? Lieschen aka Susanne Rademacher, communications consultant and book author by trade and at heart, as well as Germany’s undisputed wedding blogger queen.
All these successful projects of hers surely require a lot of energy, thus making Susanne the perfect candidate to interview for my series on morning routines. I’m extremely happy she agreed to share her personal tips on how to start the day in a relaxed manner with us! Don’t miss out on that bonus question at the end! Enjoy!
Good morning Susanne! Let’s get to know you!
My name is Susanne. I work as freelance communications expert in Hamburg. Online, people know me by my nickname „Lieschen“. For more than three years now I’ve been blogging about modern and creative weddings over at Lieschen-Heiratet.de. But what most of the people don’t know about me is that about six years ago I was officially diagnosed with fructose malabsorption and have been dealing with several other allergies and food sensitivities since childhood. But when it comes to food, I still manage to enjoy myself. My husband and I truly love love eating and always fancy a delicious meal! At home pots and pans are his territory. Though we sometimes collide when trying to use the oven at the same time,
him with his roasting dish and me with my cake tin. 😉
Last year was quite stressful for me and my body reacted accordingly. So this year I’ve once again been paying more attention to what I eat. Thanks to Fructopia (actually, thanks to Instagram , where I discovered you dear Deniz) I came across the low FODMAP diet. So far it’s working out great – though I still knowingly indulge in high FODMAP foods on the weekends.
‘Morning Glory’ or ‘My Life Nightlife’?
Definitely ‘My Life Nightlife’! My best ideas usually start pouring in late at night, which leads to me writing them down or even getting to work on them right away! With less noises inside the house and on the streets it’s easier for me to focus on writing. I’d love to be a morning person though, seriously. On weekends some people have finished their weekly grocery shopping and cleaned the whole flat by the time I’ve managed to keep my eyes open long enough to read my alarm clock. I need like forever in the morning!
What’s the first thing you do/see, when you open your eyes?
My husband – he is a real early bird! But a tolerant one 😉
When are usually on your feet?
On weekdays my alarm strikes at 07:00, depending on how I feel I’ll hit the snooze button until I’m fully awake.
What’s your morning routine?
Once out of bed I head straight to the kitchen to prepare my breakfast and tea and then take some quiet time to eat without being involved in the digital world at the same time (that’s a tough one!).
Then a quick shower, getting dressed and putting on make-up. I take a few minutes to tidy up my flat a little and water my plants on the balcony as well. It’s usually past 9 am when I finally leave the flat to catch the bus to my co-working space. By 9.30 I’m at my desk, screening new mails and comments on my blog (link), before I finally start working at 10:00.
If I don’t … in the morning, my day is ruined/over before it even started.
A shower and some quiet time – I just don’t function without. Even though I’m quite talkative most of the time, I can’t stand listening to other people’s jabbering before I’ve had my breakfast and shower. Classic morning grouch.
Coffee or tea or …?
At home I go for Yogi tea or a nice Pukka blend. At the office the first thing I do is prepare a full pot of Darjeeling. In the afternoons I love to share a cup of coffee over a nice chat with my colleagues – there is no either or, I simply love both.
Breakfast is …
… pretty important to me these days and adds to my overall quality of life! But I have a confession to make: There were days in my life when I used to run on nothing else than plain breakfast rolls and coffee in the morning. During my days as a full-time public relations consultant, I usually absentmindedly nibbled on my breakfast while focusing on incoming mails. It was like this for years! I think my breakfast choice is still pretty boring, but much more healthy. To me, breakfasts need to be on the quick and easy side. As soon as I’ve found a recipe that I like, it’s a keeper for weeks, no, months!
What type of breakfast is sure to get you on your feet?
My go to breakfast these days: A bowl of overnight oats! It’s refreshing, delicious and keeps me satisfied for a good couple of hours. Here is my favorite recipe:
Overnight Oats – gluten free and lactose free
2-3 tbsp gluten free oats • 1 tbsp chia seeds
lactose free milk • 2-3 tbsp lactose free yogurt
1 tbsp crunchy amaranth muesli or other muesli of your choice
1 hand full of blueberries (or raspberries) • maple syrup to taste
unhulled / browntop millet flour to taste
The night before, add oats and chia seeds to a small bowl and top with milk until covered. Stir and let sit in your fridge over night, stirring again after one hour or so to make sure oats and seeds are thoroughly mixed. In the morning, add yogurt, berries and muesli of your choice. Sweeten with maple syrup if you like and you are ready to go! My recommendation: I like my overnight oats best after giving them another good stir in the morning. I also add a tablespoon of unhulled / browntop millet flour which helps with strong nails and hair.
A perfect morning (includes) …
A sunny weekend day, windows open wide and a delicious breakfast, accompanied by lots of free time to forge exciting new plans over the first cup of tea.
Which product is a morning essential?
Besides my breakfast bowl that would be my Yogi warm-up tea , Touche Éclat by Yves Saint Laurent to cover the dark circles under my eyes and this 8 Hour Cream by Elizabeth Arden for smooth lips. On my office desk you’ll find a tube of Lancôme Nutrix Royal Intense Nourishing & Restoring Hand Cream and a Pot of Gold next to my keyboard – to keep my dry hands well hydrated!
What does your partner, roommate, family say/think about your ‘morning self’?
Haha, he says, I’m as slow as a snail.
Bonus question: There is no better occasion to start a day with a smile on your lips and butterflies in your tummy than your own wedding day. But most brides are usually very excited and stressed before they even get out of bed. What’s your personal advice for all brides to be out there on how to start their special day?
Being the bride you should put an extra amount of consideration into your breakfast. It’s not a matter of eating just anything. You need to make sure it’s safe and doesn’t trouble your tummy.
If you are going out for breakfast, check their breakfast menu upfront and bring along all missing ingredients such as lactose-free yogurt, gluten-free oats or some chia seeds to complement FODMAP friendly meal choices.
Make sure to take your time in the morning and schedule your day accordingly! Allowing yourself to enjoy a stress free breakfast before the actual excitement begins is key. Moving the marriage ceremony to the early afternoon will leave you with enough time to take care of yourself.
My recommendation: You as the bride should make a deliberate decision on who and how many people you would like to spend your morning with. It’s always nice to eat in a trusted circle of loved ones before heading home or back to the hotel room to get dressed. Sipping on a first glass of champagne while getting styled by your personal hair and makeup artist is the perfect warm-up before you finally slip into your gorgeous wedding gown with the help of your bridesmaids. An unforgettable moment!
Thank you for sharing this brief moment of your daily routine with us Susanne!
For more wedding inspiration follow Lieschen on Instagram andFacebook!
All Photos by Susanne Rademacher, Lieschen-Heiratet.de
Danke! Tolles Interview, wie immer sehr inspirierend.
Liebe Manuela, freu mich, dass Dir das Interview gefallen hat! Hast Du auch schon eine passende Morgenroutine für Dich gefunden?
Liebe Grüße, Deniz
Liebe Deniz – tausend Dank für das wunderbare Interview! Hach, das hat Spaß gemacht 🙂
Viele liebe Grüße aus HH
Dir vielen Dank liebe Susanne! Ich schick Dir viele sonnige Grüße aus Istanbul! Deniz
Super Interview! Ist immer schön zu lesen, wie die unterschiedlichsten Leute mit dieser Intoleranz umgehen.
Die Overnight Oats habe ich gleich mal ausprobiert, die sind echt super als Start in den Tag 🙂
Ich freu mich, dass Dir das Interview gefällt Victoria! Ich find es auch unglaublich spannend einen Blick in fremde Küchen und auf andere Gewohnheiten zu werfen. Meine Liste an neuen Morgenroutinen immer länger! 😀